Department of Architecture
| Department of Architecture


The mission of this Department is to nurture future architects with convergent knowledge and cross-sector skills who can integrate innovative architectural design with green and modern engineering technologies.

Faculty & Staff


The research of our department focuses on developing new architectural designs with environmental and technology engineering cutting-edge solutions for promoting green transition and improving life quality. We have done our best to address urban issues in Mongolia including air pollution and soil degradation.  

Research Focus

The research of our department focuses on developing new architectural designs with environmental and technology engineering cutting-edge solutions for promoting green transition and improving life quality. We have done our best to address urban issues in Mongolia including air pollution and soil degradation.  

Majors: Teaching & Learning

We offer courses that will allow students to obtain convergent knowledge, skills, and attitudes that cover both new century architectural designs and cutting-edge engineering technologies. Students can select the most useful elective courses to their future career that will help them become candidates that are more competent to labor market.  The elective courses concern sustainability, human development, design foundation, and liberal arts. The Department offers the following programs:

Level Programs
Undergraduate programs Architecture
Urban planning and architecture
Master program Architecture
Urban planning and architecture
Doctoral program Architecture
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